2015 Tech Predictions

Last week, we posted about the Wearable Tech Meetup hosted at the end of January. This week an article published by Fortune.com caught our attention as it relates to the future of Wearable Technology.

The head of Strategic News Service, Mark Anderson, recently spoke at a gathering in San Francisco. He gave his predictions on what would happen in 2015 regarding the technology industry. Wearable technology featured prominently in Mr. Anderson’s predictions including Virtual Reality headsets, smart watches and smart clothing.

Essentially, Mark Anderson predicted that by year’s end there would be a “plethora of watches and fitness bands on the market.” However, smart clothing “will stay niche due to price and inconsistency.” And while virtual reality would continue to be the domain of entertainment, Mr. Anderson doesn’t believe that 3d headsets will become a part of every day life.


In addition to his predictions regarding wearable technology, Mark Anderson predicted that “Net neutrality–the idea that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data equally,” and “Pattern recognition,” would continue to grow and could change computing. The Code for Orlando Meetup, hosted by Echo, regularly discusses these topics at their monthly meetups as well.


What do you think? Leave us a comment below. How do you plan on getting involved in Wearable Tech this year? Do you plan on buying the Apple Watch or one of it’s competitors?, or does virtual reality or smart clothing appeal to you more? How about Net Neutrality/Open Data?

Remember, our monthly Meetups discuss these topics and much more.