Consider the following when getting started with developing for iOS

Information on learning how to develop iOS applications is available everywhere, but for many people, it can be overwhelming. In order to keep it simple, below are some topics that we find to be very important. Hiring Echo Interaction Group can alleviate many of the problems when developing apps.

A good rule-of-thumb in learning is to know the ‘quality’ of what you are learning and where are you learning it from, instead of the ‘quantity’ of information. If you focus on the quality of learning and where is it coming from, you can find instant gratification in your execution, more often than not. Always know and be connected to Apple Developer Tools and their updated news.

Basic iOS
Learn how to use the auto-generator tools of Xcode. It can help! Things like storyboards and Xcode generators like the master-details template will move things faster. Using an UITableView and a detail view of buttons is to understand connecting User Interface elements with IBActions and instance variables.

This is still the language of iOS even when things are going to start migrating to Swift rather quickly. Learn as many basic features of Objective-C as possible. Understand @property and method passing. Objective-C is a standard Objective Oriented language.

Object-oriented Principles
It is important to learn and comprehend the delegate and protocol patterns. You will use them quite often.

API Integration
Have you heard of It is a great resource to get into the complexity of networks and APIs when developing in iOS. Eventually you’ll learn how to integrate other SDKs, but start simple and then move forward.

Core Data
Read and view tutorials on Core Data, but Xcode template is a great way to learn about the basics of Core Data. It contains an extensive amount of classes and connecting parts. In case you didn’t know… Core Data is not a database ORM.

Core Location
Here is when you get into serious delegation. Two important things to comprehend are the MapKit view and the CLLocationManagerDelegate.

Mobile Design
Rule of thumb… Don’t ever block the UI thread. When clicking on something, the UI should always respond.

To start, focus on the camera and photo library. It’s really the only hardware piece you’ll end up using for most of your apps.

Customizing UIKit
Add professionalism to your app by customizing your UI (User Interface). Customize your navigation bar, your buttons and your ui-table-view-cells. These are very important when developing unique iOS apps.

Core Animation
Animation is just to be and look cool. It should be the last thing to think about. Think of animation when you transition from screens and UI views.

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