Echo Interaction Group helps the Clean the World Foundation

Echo Interaction Group hosted a ONE Project hygiene-kit building event at their offices with Clean the World where they funded and built 100 kits that are being donated to Harbor House of Central FL. With Echo’s donation of 100 hygiene kits, Clean the World will also ship 400 soap bars to West Africa! Echo loves being able to work with local charities and still make an impact globally. Learn how your team can get involved to host an event here and learn more about Clean the World and their amazing work at

Echo Interaction Group believes companies should choose charities to support. If the charity is related to their business, great! But if not, companies should talk with their employees and see what charities/causes they feel passionate about and choose one or more to support.

While performing charitable work can seem as though it is a completely selfless act, the behavior may actually be good for the health and well-being of those performing the act. Studies have repeatedly shown that doing good deeds for others is good, period. In fact, those feeling down and out can benefit from doing something to improve another person’s way of life.

For businesses, charitable giving provides a presence in the community and sets the pace for other companies to help and support as well. If a business also encourages employees to participate, workplace morale will improve as each person feels as though they are making a difference in the community. By forming a task force that helps organize and track the project, businesses can further boost worker confidence. Echo encourages companies to help and support charity groups as much as they can.